For the first time, there were joint winners of The John Cummins Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement for Course 9 of the CertBALM® qualification.  On Thursday evening, at the ALMA Conference both Felix Prevost from HSBC and Daniella Ringrose from Nationwide Building Society won the award.  A great achievement!
Felix commented, “Even during the course I was already able to start putting into practice learnings from the reading materials and review sessions. I enjoyed exploring practical applications with the course mentors, who brought a treasure trove of industry knowledge and experience. With such a challenging curriculum, it’s an honour to win this prestigious recognition.”
Daniella commented, “CertBALM® really helped me to understand the links between the different risks faced by a bank Treasury. So much so that I’ve recently had the confidence to take on a new role in a completely different Treasury risk discipline. Being awarded the John Cummins award, alongside Felix, was the cherry on the cake; it’s great to know that all the hard work really did pay off!”
Huge congratulations to both Felix and Daniella from everyone at ALMA.