Liquidity and Funding

24th - 25th September 2024

etc.venues, Fenchurch Place

This Course is now fully booked

No prior knowledge is required or assumed.

The course is aimed both at those new to a role in liquidity and funding management itself and those working in other functions who seek a general overview of liquidity and funding topics. It may be of interest to those working in other areas of Treasury management, Finance, Audit and IT as well as colleagues with a governance responsibility for these areas.

Students will find the course a solid foundation for attending further ALMA events and training courses, including the Certificate of Banking Asset and Liability Management (CertBALM®).

Liquidity and Funding Course Guide

Terms and Conditions

Members with printed material
£1,175 + VAT
Members without printed material
£1,140 + VAT
Non Members with printed material
£1,500 + VAT
Non Members without printed material
£1,465 + VAT

NOTE: The option to have printed material will NOT be available for anyone booking within one week of the start date. Please note if you choose the 'non-print' option, you will receive a link in advance of the course to download the material.

Key Concepts

  • Liquidity and funding aspects of the balance sheet
  • Traditional liquidity and funding measures
  • Regulatory requirements relating to liquidity and funding including Pillar 2 topics
  • Managing the Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Net Stable Funding Ratio and other measures
  • Aspects of a typical liquidity governance framework
  • Practical discussions involving current industry practitioners outlining different business models and how they manage liquidity and funding

Introduction to ILAAP as well as covering a number of topics of current industry interest in more detail.

The format will continue to be interactive sessions. Additional focus areas include the following:

  • Contents and process of an Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP) plus areas of current industry focus
  • Liquidity stress testing and the link to risk appetite
  • Pillar 2 for liquidity
  • Industry practitioners will again bring the discussions to life with their experiences across the range of liquidity and funding topics covered on the course

This course is aimed at those relatively new to these topics and is of potential interest to those working in Treasury, ALM, Risk and Audit functions as well as those in other areas interested in increasing their understanding of these key topics.

This Course is now fully booked

Please contact for more information.